
Anthony Ozerov's Website 🤔 / Research Papers Projects About


Here are my published papers, in reverse-chronological order.

Lagain, Anthony, Hadrien A. R. Devillepoix, Pierre Vernazza, Darrel Robertson, Mikael Granvik, Petr Pokorny, Anthony Ozerov, et al. 2024. “Recalibration of the Lunar Chronology Due to Spatial Cratering-Rate Variability.” Icarus 411: 115956.

Ozerov, Anthony, Jeffrey C. Smith, Jessie L. Dotson, Randolph S. Longenbaugh, and Robert L. Morris. 2024. “GOES GLM, Biased Bolides, and Debiased Distributions.” Icarus 408: 115843.

Robertson, Darrel, Anthony Ozerov, Lorien Wheeler, Petr Pokorný, Mikael Granvik, and Clemens Rumpf. 2023. “Erratum: ‘Latitude Variation of Flux and Impact Angle of Asteroid Collisions with Earth and the Moon’.” Planetary Science Journal.


My name is sufficiently uncommon that (so far) all arXiv search results are mine. The search results contain preprints and some never-to-be-prints. Search here